What are the steps?
Take the pledge to become a Transparency Pioneer, in time for your first transparency score calculation in March 2024.
Take the next steps to achieve Transparency Fundamentals Certification, using our platform tools and advice to help you help your organisation become more corporately transparent
Become a Transparency Exemplar, set and achieve your transparency targets for your financial year.
Coming soon
What's the pledge?
After taking the pledge, what happens next?
Non-financial compliance records
ESG accreditations & reports
Supply chain metrics & labour practices records
aggregated transparency data
Why pledge?
Research has proven that transparency is good for your organisation, the planet and the people on it.
Build trust with customers, investors, and other stakeholders.
Improve corporate governance, financial performance and risk management.
Become a more attractive employer
Gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Public bodies are embracing transparency in their supply chains
A growing number of large public buyers are embedding transparency into their procurement processes to help achieve fairer working conditions in their supply chains
Welsh Government
£6B Annual Budget
London Mayor's Office
£7B Annual Budget
Greater Manchester Regional Authority
£2B Annual Budget
West of England Regional Authority
Transparency Business Case Evidence
The benefits of corporate transparency, and where to start
In this two minute walk-through you will learn
How corporate transparency can benefit your organisation
Reasons for embracing coprorate transparecy, backed up by research
How to get started in your transparency journey
Need more information?
We are always here to talk about the wider benefits of corporate transparency and how we can help your organisation engage and progress. With your help the world can be a better place!